Venice - Out of time

Out of time and non competitive

I love Venice! I would like to live in Venice. There are no cars, no smog, no noise and they don`t try to run you over. It's quiet, calm and you get around by feet. And like so many Italian cities, the look does not change. It doesn't need to change. For someone who comes from Berlin the difference is enormes. With every photo I take in Venice I think that it will be possible to take the same photo again in fifty years. I like this because where nothing changes, photography doesn't need to document. I don't like the urge to have to document. Every photo is a document, testimony is immanent to photography. I don't take photos because I want to keep something still, or rather to remember. Photography has the unpleasant side effect of destroying our memories or at least replacing them with something that no longer changes. Originally, however, memory lives and changes with time.